Commercial Humidifier Services in Boston, MA

Humidity gets a bad rap among the general populace, and admittedly high humidity does cause a lot of problems if it is consistent over a long period of time. However, what a lot of people don’t know is that low humidity is just as bad. If the air in your commercial building is consistently dry, you run the risk of increased instances of sickness, among other things. Ask us about our commercial humidifier services. Cooling Unlimited, Inc. offers a full range of commercial humidifier services, ranging from installation to repair and maintenance. Call today to schedule an appointment with one of our commercial humidifier technicians. We serve the entire Boston, MA area.
Cooling Unlimited, Inc. provides commercial humidifier services near Boston, MA and the surrounding areas.
Why a Commercial Humidifier is a Good Idea
Your body is largely made of water, and as such it relies on a certain balance of moisture in the air in order to remain healthy. If the air in your building is consistently dry, it starts to wreak havoc with the way your body in a number of ways. Low humidity causes the mucus membranes in your nose to dry out and crack. Your skin does the same over time. These are two of your body’s first defenses against infection by disease, and with them weakened it will be much easier for you to get sick. Low humidity also saps the moisture from things like books and wooden furniture, making them brittle and more easily damaged. This is why it’s a good idea to install a commercial humidifier in your home.
How Commercial Humidifiers Work
There are a number of different varieties of commercial humidifiers, each operating a slightly different way. Vaporizer humidifiers work by evaporating water into steam, which then mixes with the air being circulated through the building by a forced air system. Misters take a much simpler approach, simply spraying water mist into the ducts. Which commercial humidifier you choose should depend on the needs of your building. It is best to consult with a professional, as their evaluation will be the most helpful in determining the right humidifier type. If you need a commercial humidifier installed in your building, call us today.
We Offer Full Commercial Humidifier Services
Installing a commercial humidifier involves access to the ducts. The humidifier must be installed in the ducts in order to treat all air being circulated throughout the building. Commercial humidifiers also need to be wired into the building’s power grid in order to operate at all. These are just two of the reasons that you should trust a professional to handle your commercial humidifier installation. If you need a commercial humidifier installed, Cooling Unlimited, Inc. is here for you.
Just like any other system, your commercial humidifier is going to need regular maintenance in order to operate to its full potential. You should schedule preventive maintenance for your commercial humidifier at least once a year, in order to lessen the chances of larger problems occurring. If a problem does occur, though, give us a call. We provide comprehensive humidifier repair and maintenance services throughout Boston, MA.