Cooling Unlimited, Inc. Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Heating’

5 Best Practices for Your HVAC System: Kids Edition

Monday, January 27th, 2025

Having kids changes everything—at least, that’s what parents love to tell people who don’t have kids. And like so many generalizations, there’s some truth to this. Some of the most dramatic changes involve your home and your possessions: baby-proofing, putting things on higher shelves, and even packing breakables away for a few years, which are all common sense to parents.

One of the most costly and important things you have in your home is your HVAC system. You can’t live without it, and you don’t want to have to replace it early due to damage. And yes, kids can cause damage to your HVAC system or hurt themselves with it. How can you prevent that? Here are our top recommendations. If you have any questions about HVAC safety or need maintenance and repair for your AC or heating in Boston, MA, don’t hesitate to ask.

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How Smart Thermostats Save Money on Your Heating Bills

Monday, March 13th, 2023

Have you heard about smart thermostats? You might be wondering if they’re the right choice for your home, when you should consider getting one, or how they work. We’ll cover all of that. The most important thing to know about smart thermostats is how they benefit you, especially how they save you money. So we’ll cover that, too.

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How Your Heater Tells You It Needs Repairs

Monday, October 10th, 2022

technician-repairing-boilerMost people don’t think a whole lot about their heater, as long as it’s working. But of course, when a problem develops in any system, it’s better to catch it sooner, before the problem gets any bigger.

How can you tell when something is starting to go wrong with your heater, so you can have it repaired as promptly as possible? Your heater may signal a problem in a variety of ways. If you watch for these clues, you’ll be able to schedule an appointment for a professional to give it the care it needs.

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5 Inexpensive Ways To Help Your Heater

Monday, March 1st, 2021

hand drawing check box on a white backgroundHave your heating bills been a little higher than you’d like them to be this winter? If this is the case, then you should definitely schedule an appointment with our professionals. You shouldn’t have to walk around your home shivering or brace yourself for impact every time you hop out of bed and your feet hit the cold floor. And you shouldn’t dread your energy bill coming in the mail every month.

If you want better heating in Newton, MA, then it’s time to schedule an appointment with our professionals. Your heater isn’t something that you want to overlook the quality of. If you’re looking to troubleshoot before you step out and call for repair or replacement, try these tips.

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Does Your Heater Show Signs of Needing Repairs?

Monday, March 19th, 2018

heating-repair-issuesWith the coming of spring, our heating systems are going to see less and less use as the temperatures start to warm. And yet ironically, this is the time of the year when we tend to see more heating repair calls than any other. Furnaces and other heating systems have been running for months nonstop, which is why they tend to experience sudden breakdowns and other problems just as they reach the end of winter.

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Consider an Alternative HVAC System

Monday, February 12th, 2018

radiant-heating-installationMost homes in the area used either forced-air furnaces or some type of boiler to stay warm in the winter. They’re inexpensive and efficient, which makes them great fits for a lot of homes. But they’re not right for every home especially those with unique heating needs or which preclude the use of necessary components like ducts. The good news is that there are a number of alternative HVAC systems available for such homes, and depending upon your needs, one of them may end up being a great fit. We’ve included a brief list below of some of the possible options.

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Call Furnace Repair Services for a Cracked Heat Exchanger

Monday, January 8th, 2018

cracked-heat-exchangerThe East Coast was hit with freezing temperatures and blizzard conditions late last week, and we’re all still assessing the damage. When it comes to your furnace, any damage should be carefully assessed and immediately repaired. It can be tempting to try to “power through” any damage — winter isn’t going to get any gentler anytime soon — but that’s usually a big mistake. And in the case of a cracked heat exchanger, an immediate heater replacement session may be in order. To do otherwise risks more than a chilly home.

What is a heat exchanger and why is damage to it so devastating? We’ve prepared a quick summary below.

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Heater Repair Services Can Address Inefficient Furnaces

Tuesday, December 26th, 2017

heating-system-efficiencyWhen your furnace has trouble functioning, even if it doesn’t seem like it’s a huge problem, it’s a good idea to shut it off and call in a heater repair service immediately. Few serious repair jobs take place without giving you warning signs well in advance, and the sooner you can get a trained technician to address these issues, the better.

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Watch for Low Air Flow in Your Furnace

Monday, December 18th, 2017

low-air-flowWinter is almost here, and cold temperatures are going to be staying a good long while. Your forced-air furnace was likely called into action some time ago, and by now you’re likely running it on a daily basis. Hopefully, it’s in good working order and you won’t need to worry about a breakdown during the cold winter months. Trouble with most forced-air furnaces tends to advertise itself well before it forces a shutdown, however, and wise homeowners will learn to spot them before they cause an unexpected shutdown. That way, you can deal with the issue in a timely fashion.

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Call on a Commercial HVAC Service to Get Your System Ready for Winter

Monday, October 30th, 2017

commercial-hvac-servicesNew England winters are as fierce as they come, and this winter looks to be no exception. Your heating system is going to be called upon to function morning noon and night, and commercial HVAC systems are no less vital in that regard. In fact, they’re probably even more important, not only because most of us spend at least part of our day in an office, school or commercial space, but because a comfortable environment is vital to keeping your business operating. A good commercial HVAC service, with technicians experienced in commercial systems, can be your best friend when getting your system ready for the winter.

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