Cooling Unlimited, Inc. Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Furnace Maintenance’

Schedule Your Furnace’s Fall Inspection Now

Monday, September 26th, 2022

technician-inspecting-heaterAs you start to enjoy the relief from heat that autumn brings, and you use your air conditioner less and less, it may be tempting to imagine that winter is still far in the future. But you shouldn’t let the cold weather catch you unprepared.

If you schedule your furnace maintenance in Boston right away, you’ll be able to reap some significant benefits, and you can rest easy in the knowledge that your home is prepared for when that winter weather hits. What are those significant benefits, exactly? Here are seven reasons to schedule a fall inspection for your furnace now.

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Your Furnace Deserves Maintenance

Monday, March 2nd, 2020

heating-system-efficiencyWhat’s that one thing that seems to fall off the face of your to-do list every single season? If we had to take a wild guess, we’d probably presume that it’s furnace maintenance.

Let’s take our minds back to fall. You’re getting back into the hustle and bustle of the school year with the kids, prepping your home for the cold weather, and getting yourself ready for the holidays ahead… it’s so easy for your furnace maintenance to fall to the wayside in this context. If you need furnace maintenance in Boston, MA, you can count on our professionals. We make the process as easy as possible because we want you to have the best heating service possible.

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