Cooling Unlimited, Inc. Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Boiler’

It’s Amazing how Long a Home Heating Boiler Can Last

Monday, December 2nd, 2024

When it comes to having to heat a home, those of us in the coldest climates in the US can’t afford to make foolish choices. We need good, reliable heating systems. They must be effective and efficient, and they can’t break down left and right. And since we demand so much hard work from them, it’s best if they’re able to withstand all that for many years. Enter the boiler!

Using a boiler to heat your home is not very common in the southern United States, where homes have been built to accommodate air conditioning—and thus have the ductwork for forced air furnaces—since the 1970s. But here, boilers are very popular, and for good reason! They’re great systems, rarely need repair, and can last a long time. How long? You might be surprised!

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Is Radiant Heating Right for You?

Monday, January 21st, 2019

Winter is the season where many homeowners decide that their heating system just isn’t right for them. After all, you’ve gotten well acquainted with your heater these past few months. Any problems with your heater that were pushed into the recesses of your mind by the blaze of summer are back at the forefront now. If your heater just isn’t cutting it, don’t be afraid to upgrade.

When it’s time for an upgrade it’s best to consider all your options. This process can be a bit overwhelming because now more than ever there are so many great ways to heat your home. While the vast majority of people across the nation choose to heat their homes with forced air furnace systems, a tried and true classic is radiant heating. Radiant heating is still a great option for our bitterly cold Boston temperatures. If you’re interested in putting a boiler in your home this winter then ask our educated technicians about installing a boiler in Boston, MA. We have all the information you need alongside the best models of boilers from the best brands.

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