Cooling Unlimited, Inc. Blog

What Should (and Shouldn’t) Go Down Your Garbage Disposal

December 5th, 2022

It can be so useful to have a garbage disposal in your kitchen sink. It streamlines cleanup and makes dishwashing less of a hassle. Unfortunately, the term “garbage disposal” is a bit misleading. You definitely should never put any actual garbage down your sink! But the exact recommendations are a little more specific than that. If you’re concerned about what’s okay to put down your garbage disposal and what should be disposed of elsewhere, we’ve got a handy list for you.

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What Do We Do During Heating Maintenance?

November 21st, 2022

In this blog, we’ve urged you to prioritize having maintenance done on your heating system every year. However, simply telling you that it’s important to do doesn’t help you to understand the process. We’d like to prepare you for your heating maintenance appointment by giving you a behind-the-scenes glimpse at exactly what occurs during this critical service. 

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Why Is My Heater Making a Burning Smell?

November 7th, 2022

Autumn in Massachusetts! It’s time for fall festivities, planning your Thanksgiving holiday, spending more time indoors, and turning up the heat to stay cozy. But what is that burning smell coming from the heater? Oh, no! Is it an emergency?

This is a common concern, and we’re happy to help you sort through what’s going on. It’s quite likely you can handle this yourself with a little guidance, but we’ll also cover what to do if you can’t resolve the problem and you do need heating repair in Boston.

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Don’t Put That In Your Garbage Disposal!

October 24th, 2022

kitchen-sink-garbage-disposalGarbage disposals are a convenient way to simplify kitchen clean-up. But unfortunately, the fact that they are commonly called garbage disposals is a bit misleading. There are a lot of things that should actually go straight to the trash can, and actual garbage—plastic wrappers, foil, lids, etc.—is top of that list.


How can you be sure which items are disposal-safe and which will cause a kitchen catastrophe? We can help you sort that out.

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How Your Heater Tells You It Needs Repairs

October 10th, 2022

technician-repairing-boilerMost people don’t think a whole lot about their heater, as long as it’s working. But of course, when a problem develops in any system, it’s better to catch it sooner, before the problem gets any bigger.

How can you tell when something is starting to go wrong with your heater, so you can have it repaired as promptly as possible? Your heater may signal a problem in a variety of ways. If you watch for these clues, you’ll be able to schedule an appointment for a professional to give it the care it needs.

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Schedule Your Furnace’s Fall Inspection Now

September 26th, 2022

technician-inspecting-heaterAs you start to enjoy the relief from heat that autumn brings, and you use your air conditioner less and less, it may be tempting to imagine that winter is still far in the future. But you shouldn’t let the cold weather catch you unprepared.

If you schedule your furnace maintenance in Boston right away, you’ll be able to reap some significant benefits, and you can rest easy in the knowledge that your home is prepared for when that winter weather hits. What are those significant benefits, exactly? Here are seven reasons to schedule a fall inspection for your furnace now.

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How to Prevent Frozen Pipes This Fall and Winter

September 12th, 2022

burst-frozen-pipeThere is very little that can derail your winter plans quite as badly as having your pipes freeze. When water freezes, it expands. You may have noticed this in an ice cube tray: the tops of the cubes are higher when they’re frozen than the level the water was at when it was liquid. When that water is stuck inside your plumbing when it freezes, with nowhere to go as it expands, it can burst the pipes! When it thaws again, that leaves you with a gushing leak. What a pain!

There are some simple steps you can take to make sure your pipes make it through the fall and winter months without freezing and bursting. If you start to keep these in mind now, it will be easy to follow through on them all winter.

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The Refrigerant Misconception that Could Hurt Your AC

August 15th, 2022

tech-repairing-air-conditionerYou probably know that an air conditioner contains refrigerant. But do you know what happens to it inside the AC unit? It is a common misconception that the refrigerant in an air conditioner can be depleted or used up. However, this is not the case at all! Refrigerant is not a fuel source. The AC unit does not consume it in the process of running, and it was manufactured with enough refrigerant to last for the lifetime of the appliance.

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When to Call an Emergency Plumber

August 1st, 2022

plumber-smiling-at-workWhile it’s tricky to predict exactly when you’re going to need plumbing repairs, determining when a problem requires a call to an emergency plumber in Lynnfield, MA may feel even more difficult.

We don’t want you to have to hesitate. To help, we’ve provided a few cases when you’ll want to call an emergency plumber to mitigate any damage to your home and prevent your plumbing issues from disrupting your household.

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Easy Ways to Save on Your AC

July 18th, 2022

Ecologic home , green outline on whiteWhen the heat comes, there’s nothing better than quality air conditioning in Stoneham, MA. It’s necessary to stay comfortable. However, you might have had experiences that have put a serious ding in your bank accounts, especially when the temperatures get ridiculous and hit triple digits. If you’re like most people, you’ve likely resigned yourself to believe that’s the cost of comfort and keeping cool.

But that’s far from the truth. There are ways to keep on enjoying your AC without needing to break open your piggy bank and pay elevated prices. And that’s what we’re looking at in this article. We will share 5 tips to help you keep cool and save money this summer.

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