Cooling Unlimited, Inc. Blog

What Benefits Does a Commercial HVAC Service Provide?

October 16th, 2017

commercial-hvac-serviceCommercial heating and air conditioning systems perform the same job as residential systems. However, beyond the need to keep the space comfortable and the basic methods to do it, the differences are profound. Commercial HVAC systems are often larger, more powerful and need to address specific issues of your business if you’re going to succeed. That means you need a commercial HVAC company that understands the needs of your property, instead of just trying to transpose what they know about residential HVAC systems.

So how can you tell? What kinds of benefits does a commercial HVAC service provide that a solely residential service doesn’t? Ultimately, you’ll need to make that call for yourself. There are, however, a few guidelines to look for.

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The Benefits of Radiant Heating Systems

October 2nd, 2017

radiant-heating-installationWinter is on its way, and now is the time to install a new heating system in your home. The weather is still cool, and you’ll have time to select a heating system that works for your home. Newer homes in the area often used forced-air furnaces to stay warm, but older homes with older systems might not be able to consider adding the necessary ducts.

Radiant heating systems, on the other hand, provide comprehensive heating solutions without the need for ducts. How do they work and what kind of benefits do they provide? Read on for the answers.

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The Importance of Efficiency When Buying a New Heater

September 25th, 2017

installing-new-heaterThe arrival of autumn means increased heating use, and if your old heater was on its last legs, then now is the perfect time to install a new system. Doing so in the fall instead of the winter gives you plenty of time to plan for the operation, and work with your service technician to determine the exact parameters your new heater should feature.

Among the first and most important aspects you should consider is the overall efficiency of the new heater. Making sure it suits your home’s needs may be trickier than you think, but with the help of a trained technician and the proper preparations, you can find the efficiency levels you need.

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Flush your Water Heater This Fall

September 18th, 2017

water-heater-maintenanceSummer officially ends in just a few days, and with the cool weather of fall comes the need to prepare your home for winter. This should include a close look at your water heater, including performing some easy maintenance to help it perform at its best.

Sediment can build up on the bottom of the water heater if you aren’t careful, which in turn can make it more difficult (and expensive) to heat your water. Not only can that raise your monthly bills, but it can lead to bigger problems like frozen pipes in the winter. Flushing the water heater is a simple and easy way to help prevent that from occurring.

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Sump Pumps Keep Your Home Dry

September 4th, 2017

sump-pump-installationThe whole world has watched the impact of Hurricane Harvey in Texas and Louisiana, reminding us once again of the damage that Mother Nature can cause. As our hearts go out to those in need and we as a nation look for ways to help, we’re reminded that prevention is the best key to containing the damage that an even like a hurricane can cause.

We see plenty of heavy rains and flooding of our own during the rainy season, which can wreak havoc on your home even in circumstances far less dire than Hurricane Harvey. A sump pump makes an excellent way to keep your property dry and safe during an emergency.

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Time for Maintenance on Your Heater

August 28th, 2017

heating-system-maintenanceLabor Day marks the unofficial end of summer, and while hot weather continues to preserve for weeks after that, fall will be here before you know it. When that happens, you’ll be turning off your air conditioners and turning on your heating systems. Sometimes, that can involve a nasty surprise: turning it on the first time only to find a real trouble. Even worst, that trouble could wait until the coldest day of winter to strike. A number of repair services can respond swiftly in those circumstances, but we believe in preventing those calls from being necessary in the first place. That means now is the perfect time to schedule a maintenance session for your heater.

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Are Your Ducts Leaking?

August 21st, 2017


Central heating and air conditioning systems depend upon a system of ducts to do their jobs. The central units cool the air in the summer, then blow it through the ducts to the various rooms in your home. The ducts are usually located behind the walls, in our attic, and other out-of-the-way locations which allow them to do their jobs without getting in the way of your household. But that can make it difficult to spot when leaks or other issues crop up. The good news is that air conditioning technicians can address the problem of leaking ducts quickly and efficiently. But before they can do that, you need to be able to spot the signs that something is wrong.

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Servicing Your Air Conditioner Can Solve Problems

August 7th, 2017

air-conditioning-repair-serviceAir conditioners can benefit from routine maintenance just like your car can: giving a professional a chance to look it over and check for any potential problems. That’s very important in the summer, when your AC sees daily use and trouble can sneak up on you unexpectedly. If you haven’t scheduled a servicing session in the last 12 months or longer, now is a very good time to do so. It could benefit you in a number of ways.

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Sizing a New Air Conditioner and the Goldilocks Rule

July 31st, 2017

install-new-air-conditionerPurchasing a new air conditioner in the middle of summer can be a tricky move. You want your new system to be installed as quickly as possible, before the lack of adequate cooling turns your home into a swamp. But at the same time, certain steps need to be taken to ensure that your new system is properly powered in respect to your home. Sizing an air conditioner, or determining its comparative power levels, needs to take place before an installation can be performed. Why? The answer lies in something we like to call the Goldilocks Rule.

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Dehumidifiers Keep Your Home Comfortable

July 24th, 2017

dehumidifiers-comfortable-homeNew England summers are beastly, and they seem to get worse every year. This summer is no exception and homeowners in the Boston area are well-justified in focusing on their air conditioners to keep their space cool and comfortable. But temperature isn’t the only factor in a comfortable home. Humidity plays a huge part as well, and while air conditioners can crudely address the issue of muggy air, there are better ways to solve the problem. A whole-house dehumidifier can address the problem properly and help maintain comfort levels, as well as providing a number of other advantages in the process.

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