Cooling Unlimited, Inc. Blog

What a Refrigerant Leak Means for Your AC

July 9th, 2018

aid-conditioning-coilsWhen you run your air conditioner, does it fail to cool the room? Do you also hear a sound like hissing or gurgling? It might be a refrigerant leak.

In order for your AC to operate properly, it needs to be full of refrigerant at all times. If that refrigerant begins to leak, your AC will no longer be able to cool your home properly.

Above all, it means that your AC needs immediate attention, so make sure to pick up the phone and be ready to call an expert of HVAC in Boston, MA. Other than that, it can also mean a few other things.

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Signs That You Have a Gas Leak

June 25th, 2018

service-timeIf you think that professional plumbers only deal with those systems and appliances that bring potable water into your home and drain wastewater out of your home, think again. One of the most important services that we have to offer is gas piping. When you need new gas piping installed, or if you should run into a problem requiring gas piping repairs, you are going to need to work with a professional plumber in Boston, MA.

Natural gas is a great resource. As a largely domestic product, it tends to be quite affordable and is not subject to the volatility of the foreign oil markets. It is also piped directly to the house and the appliances that use it, meaning that you don’t have to worry about scheduling fuel deliveries or storing fuel onsite. However, as is the case with any combustible fuel, there is the potential for danger.  That is why you need prompt gas line repairs if and when anything should go wrong.

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Wow, What Is that Sound Coming from Your AC?

June 11th, 2018

old-ac-unitYou’re having a cookout in your backyard and suddenly your AC unit begins making a horrible grinding noise. All eyes inevitably turn toward you wanting to know what that’s all about. Or maybe you have guests over for dinner, and horror movie-style squealing and shrieking begins coming out of the AC vents throughout your house. Once again, everyone will look to you as if to ask, “How could you let this happen?” Don’t worry: There are a variety of causes (and cures!) for these noises coming from your AC which we’ll cover below.

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Is It Time for a New Water Heater?

May 28th, 2018

water-heater-plumberThe amount of thought most people want to give a water heater is none. After all, if hot water comes out of the faucet when you need it, what’s there to worry about? While water heaters exist in the background of our day-to-day lives, there will be clear indicators when it’s time to purchase a new one. And if you don’t heed the warning signs below, you could unexpectedly find yourself without hot water when you need it the most as well as looking at an expensive water damage bill. 

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Check for Signs You Need an Air Conditioning Replacement

May 14th, 2018

air-conditioning-replacementSummer is on the way, and soon enough, temperatures in the area will be soaring. You’re going to need your air conditioner to work as expected for days and weeks on end, and if you have an older system, you may be worried about its ability to reliably get you through until the fall.

If you need a replacement system, now is the time to schedule an installation. Doing so lets you enjoy the full benefits of a new air conditioner, including improved efficiency and iron-clad reliability. It will also prevent you from having to scramble if your old system collapses in the middle of a heat wave. A new system can be installed in the place of the old one reasonably easy and a trained technician can help you find the perfect system for your home. 

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Hire a Plumber to Fix Your Garbage Disposal

May 8th, 2018

plumbing-repair-servicesFew appliances in the home are more often used than your garbage disposal, attached to your kitchen sink and charged with grinding up food waste to allow it to slip easily down your drain pipes. Garbage disposals are vital to preventing serious clogs in your plumbing, but like any other appliance, they can run into trouble from time to time. When they do, an enterprising entrepreneur might be convinced to attempt to repair or replace it themselves. In most cases this is a huge mistake, and you can do much better hiring a plumbing service instead of fixing your garbage disposal yourself. Why? Read on for the answers.

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Call an AC Repair Service if You Experience Short Cycling

April 30th, 2018

install-new-air-conditionerAir conditioning season is just beginning, but soon enough, we’ll be in the grips of another heat wave, and when that happens, you need your air conditioner to work tirelessly for days or even weeks on end. (That’s one of the reasons why we recommend air conditioning maintenance every year: to make sure your system is up to the task.) If your air conditioner experiences problems during the summer, the sooner you can identify the issue and get it treated before the damage spreads. Most signs that you need air conditioning repair are subtle, but occur days or weeks before an actual shutdown. By acting quickly in the face of them, you could spare yourself a lot of grief.

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Plumbing Services Can Install a Sump Pump

April 16th, 2018

sump-pump-installationWith the coming of spring comes rains and the risk of flooding to  New England, and we’ve all seen how powerful and damaging hurricanes can be in recent years. Everything you can do to protect your home from storm damage is money well spent. Most of the time, people think of this as things like storm shutters, and those are certainly important components for your home to have.

But water has a way of slipping into your home regardless of such measures, and to stop flooding on your property, you usually need a sump pump or similar device installed by a qualified technician. Now is an ideal time to schedule an installation session. Or, if you have a sump pump already, you should get it checked and possibly repaired (if need be) before you have need of it. Either way, a good plumber can help you out

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Trenchless Plumbing Services Address Sewer Line Issues

April 10th, 2018

trenchless-plumbing-technologyNot so long ago, problems with the sewer line were a huge hassle for homeowners. A breach or clog in the line could back up drain pipes in the entire house and create a host of other issues as well. Treating such problems usually involved extensive digging to unearth the pipe and fix the issue. That meant renting expensive construction equipment and hiring additional workers to do the job. The operation could take days, and when it was done, you usually had a terrible mess to deal with in your yard.

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Tips to Cut Down on Summer Air Conditioning Bills

April 2nd, 2018

install-new-air-conditionerSpring has officially arrived, and that means summer won’t be far behind. Temperatures in the area can soar into triple digits, accompanied by the kind of humidity that only New England can offer. Your air conditioning system is going to be called into action early and often, and that means your summer cooling bills are going to go way up. But just because they’re higher doesn’t mean they should be any higher than necessary.

There are ways to cut down on summer air conditioning bills. Some of them you may already practice as a matter of course: setting the thermostat to 78 degrees on hot days, for instance, and wearing light clothes and hydrating during the heat of the day.  But there are more significant steps you can take not only for this summer, but for a number of summers to come. Here’s a brief list of ways you and your air conditioning technician can really cut down on those bills.

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