Cooling Unlimited, Inc. Blog

My Refrigerant is Leaking! What Do I Do?

June 10th, 2019

blue-question-mark-graphicThere are a few common troubles that homeowners run into with their air conditioner during this time of year. A couple of the top ones are low air output, trouble getting cool, and leaks. Believe it or not, all three of these problems typically stem from the same source—leaking refrigerant.

Refrigerant is one of those aspects of an air conditioning system that’s often overlooked or misunderstood by homeowners. We want to clear a few things up about this system so that you can avoid air conditioning trouble in the future. If you want to understand your air conditioning in Andover, MA, make sure you contact our team. We have educated professionals that are ready to help you.

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5 Key Signs That Your AC is on the Fritz

May 27th, 2019

air-conditioning-maintenanceIt’s not quite summer yet here in Boston, but we’ve had our fair share of warm weather already. If you’ve turned on your air conditioner and noticed that your air conditioner has had some issues, it’s time for you to schedule air conditioning repair in Boston, MA.

We know that it’s pretty hard to find a great air conditioner technician in the Boston area. That’s why we work hard to ensure that our services are always founded on honesty and integrity. Make sure you come to our team for a great job.  

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4 Great Alternatives to Standard Central Air Conditioning

May 13th, 2019

woman-feeling-hot-and-trying-to-refresh-in-summertime-heatAre you thinking about upgrading your air conditioner this spring? If you’ve done any research on systems on the market and realized that central air conditioning isn’t for you then you might be a little stressed. Central air conditioning systems dominate the air conditioning market, but they’re not the only way to cool your home.

If you’re looking for excellent HVAC services in Andover, MA and have a smooth sailing summer then make sure you come to the experts at our team first. We can walk you through all the systems available and, more importantly, let you know what’s best for your home. Contact our team today.

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Common Spring Plumbing Problems and What to Do About Them

April 29th, 2019

bursted-copper-pipeThere are a lot of things that you can expect to happen during spring. While you can surely expect “April showers to bring May flowers,” you don’t need to expect spring to bring along issues with your plumbing. You should always prepare your home with the right maintenance services to ensure that you get the most from your plumbing system.

One simple maintenance appointment with our team can be the difference between you experiencing smooth sailing this spring and upcoming summer or you experience a multitude of costly plumbing issues. Water damage is a real threat to your home. If you’re looking for great plumbing services in Boston, MA then make sure you contact our team.

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It’s Spring! Time to Maintain Your Air Conditioner

April 1st, 2019

air-conditioning-servicesNow is winter over? No, not exactly. But it’s never too early to get your air conditioner ready for the balmy Boston summer that’s right around the corner. We find that homeowners are hesitant to schedule maintenance services. We understand why—maintenance services seem unnecessary when your air conditioner shows no sign of trouble. Trust us though, your maintenance services are essential for the overall efficacy of your heating system.

If you’re ready to really prepare your cooling system for the high heat of summer then it’s time for you to contact a professional heating technician from our team. If you have any lingering air conditioning problems from last summer, it’s the right time to rectify these issues. Contact our professional team for air conditioning maintenance in Boston, MA. Our air conditioning maintenance services are thorough and will keep your home comfortable this summer.

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Watch Out! These Signs Mean That You Need Water Heater Repairs

March 18th, 2019

plumber-smiling-at-workA long winter here in Boston can really take a toll on your water heater. Sometimes the cold weather is a lot for your system to battle against. You might notice that this time of year ushers in a water heater that start to perform under capacity. If you’re ready to fix the issues that you’re having, make sure that you call a professional and don’t just choose anyone—choose a member of our team! We have the best water heater services in Boston, MA. In fact, we’ve worked in the area since 1986 and have a great understanding of what our customers here want. We’ll make sure that everything gets done right the first time.

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How to Tell When It’s Time for a New Heater

March 4th, 2019

heating-system-efficiencySometimes it’s hard to tell when you need a new heater and we understand why. This isn’t a small commitment. There’s a lot of time, money, and effort that goes into upgrading a heating system, so you don’t want to make the decision hastily. If you’re thinking about getting a new heater for your home, make sure that you’ve covered all your bases and understand all your options. If you’re ready to upgrade to a new and efficient whole-home heating system in Boston, MA then make sure that you contact our team. All our technicians are smart, conscientious, and ready for the job.

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How a Humidifier Can Help You Through Cold and Flu Season

February 18th, 2019

Struggling through cold and flu season this year? You can avoid the majority of those sniffles with the help of a humidifier! Humidifiers are great for your indoor air quality in Boston, MA because they work to balance the moisture in your home. Boston winters are two things: cold and dry. The dry air outdoors and in your home means that your body dries out too.

Your indoor air quality affects your health, comfort, and even your home furnishings. Installing a whole-home humidifier means that you hydrate your home and body and fortify your home against potential indoor air quality problems.

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How to Save Money on Your Heating Bill this Winter

February 4th, 2019

money-saving-green-eco-friendly-iconYou’re relying on your heater more than ever now that we’re in the middle of a cold Boston winter. While your heating bill will be a little bit higher during this time of year just because you’re running the system so often, it should never skyrocket to unreasonable levels. If your heating bill is draining your wallet this winter then make sure to contact our team. We can help you find weak points in your home’s efficiency levels and lower your heating bill.

One of the best ways to lower your heating bill during our chilly winter season is by installing a humidifier. Don’t think of humidity as a bad thing just because of our balmy Boston summers, try a humidifier in Boston, MA today.

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Is Radiant Heating Right for You?

January 21st, 2019

Winter is the season where many homeowners decide that their heating system just isn’t right for them. After all, you’ve gotten well acquainted with your heater these past few months. Any problems with your heater that were pushed into the recesses of your mind by the blaze of summer are back at the forefront now. If your heater just isn’t cutting it, don’t be afraid to upgrade.

When it’s time for an upgrade it’s best to consider all your options. This process can be a bit overwhelming because now more than ever there are so many great ways to heat your home. While the vast majority of people across the nation choose to heat their homes with forced air furnace systems, a tried and true classic is radiant heating. Radiant heating is still a great option for our bitterly cold Boston temperatures. If you’re interested in putting a boiler in your home this winter then ask our educated technicians about installing a boiler in Boston, MA. We have all the information you need alongside the best models of boilers from the best brands.

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