Cooling Unlimited, Inc. Blog

How to Treat Your Sink

July 20th, 2020

sink-drainDo you ever take a moment to consider how you treat your home’s plumbing system? We know that this probably isn’t something you give real consideration until something really goes wrong. We want to change your outlook on this today though. If you ever feel like your plumbing system isn’t cooperating as it should, we’ve comprised some tips here to help you get more.

If the problem you’re having can’t be alleviated with some simple “best practices” you can come to us. We specialize in sink plumbing in Brookline, MA. Just make sure that you get the high quality work that you’re really looking for from our team.  

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Why Is My AC Blowing Warm Air?

July 6th, 2020

air-conditioning-servicesWhen you turn on your air conditioner, you want to feel a strong, steady stream of air running into your home. Let’s say that you’re experiencing something a little different: when you turn on your air conditioner over there at home, you notice that the air that blows out of your air conditioner is the lukewarm.

If you’re noticing that you have a problem with your HVAC system in Andover, MA, just make sure that you schedule an appointment with us sooner than later. We’re here to perfect your air conditioning at home. We know how to help you get what you want.

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It’s Time to Revamp Your HVAC System

June 22nd, 2020

air-conditioning-servicesIt’s time to take an honest assessment of your home’s HVAC system. Sometimes, homeowners know that their HVAC system is going through something deep down in their hearts, but they don’t want to acknowledge this openly because doing so that you need to work on your HVAC system.

While we understand why you’d shy away from HVAC system work, we want to let you know that it can be different with our team. We specialize in HVAC in Woburn, WA. We know how to make the process easy for you, convenient, and cost-effective. We only want to make you the most comfortable you possibly can be in your home. Call us today.

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You’re Not Getting the Best HVAC Services if You Don’t Have This…

June 8th, 2020

modern-thermostatYou called our professionals earlier this season for a maintenance appointment, you even repaired your air conditioner last year, and you know how to run your air conditioner… but there’s something missing. You don’t know what it is, but there’s something that’s just missing. We’re here to tell you what it is today—it’s probably a necessary upgrade to your thermostat!

If you’re looking for HVAC services in Woburn, WA, it’s time for you to schedule an appointment with our professionals. We can help you get that missing piece of your home that’s going to improve everything that you need.

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Handy Kitchen Plumbing Tips

May 25th, 2020

burst-copper-pipeWe’ve been spending more time than ever indoors, so we’re sure that you’ve spent a little more time than usual in your kitchen. We’re hoping that this has been to your benefit. We hope that you’ve been able to cultivate a few new recipes, perfect some techniques, and feed yourself well.

Let’s say that things haven’t exactly gone according to plan though and you’re having kitchen plumbing problems, we can come out to your home and fix the problem. Beyond this, we can tell you all the right tips to help with your plumbing in the future. Make sure that you come to us for your kitchen plumbing needs in Andover, MA.

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5 Reasons to Call for Emergency Plumbing

May 11th, 2020

plumbing-emergency-servicesWe specialize in HVAC and plumbing work here in Boston and we’ve been doing work in this area for years. Because of this, we understand what you need as a homeowner in this area, which is why we understand that, before anything else, you need a simple and helpful approach to your home services.

We want to make your life as easy as it can be if you’re already working with an emergency plumbing problem in your home. You can call us for an emergency plumber in Boston, MA. We’re the team of professionals who can handle the work that you need. Schedule an appointment with us for the work that you want.

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A Sump Pump: The Plumbing Companion You Need this Spring 

April 27th, 2020

sump-pump-installationSpring time means that the cold weather is thawing out and warming up to high temperatures. It’s no secret that harsh weather is common here in Boston and when the harsh weather subsides it can lead to flooding in your basements, crawlspaces, or any other lower spaces in your home. You can avoid all of this with the right sump pump services.

If you want the right plumber in Boston, MA, make sure that you schedule an appointment with our professionals. We’re going to make sure that you have the best sump pump services available because this is typically the only system standing between you and a nasty flooding situation.

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Spring is Here! Is Your AC Ready?

April 13th, 2020

stopwatch-time-for serviceSpring has finally arrived. We’re sure that you’ve noticed the change in the weather and that you’re even excited at the prospect of spring—we are too. We want to make sure that your home is actually ready for spring though!

Last time, we talked about winding your heater down in light of the end of the winter season, but this time we’d like to talk about how to gear up your air conditioner. It’s easier than you might think. In fact, the bulk of the responsibility is in our hands. All you need to do is call us up and schedule an appointment for air conditioning services in Boston, MA. We’re experts that go that extra mile for our customers.  

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Get Your Furnace Repairs Handled Ahead of Spring

March 30th, 2020

furnace-burnersNow that spring is here, we know that you’re looking forward to warmer weather and light lasting into the late hours of the evening—we’re looking forward to it too! A Boston winter can really wear down your furnace. If you’ve noticed that this winter had taken a toll on your heater, then it might be time for you to call our professionals for your furnace repair services.

If you’re wondering why you should handle your furnace repairs right before we’re transitioning into warmer weather, you’re not alone. The answer is simply because procrastination is a terrible force when it comes to your HVAC system. You want to make sure that you’re handling your problems sooner than later.

When to Call for Furnace Work

We know it’s not always so cut and dry when it comes to your furnace. You might not even know all the signs that point to a need for furnace repair. Here are a few pressing issues you should watch out for.

You’re Never Warm Enough

Do you have trouble getting your home to your desired temperature? Maybe you feel like it takes far too long for your home to heat up. Or you experience the opposite problem—you can get your home to your desired temperature, but you can’t get it to stay there for long. Don’t chalk this up to the cold temperatures of winter—this is a legitimate problem that needs professional service.

There’s Odd Cycling Going On

You know your heater’s routine cycle. If you’ve noticed that it’s stretched on a little further than usual these days or if it’s cycling in short, choppy cycles, then it’s time to contact one of our members. We’re going to make sure that we tackle any problem that’s happening as fast as possible so you can push your heater to the back of your mind this spring and summer.

There are Some Odd Scents

Honestly speaking, any type of scent that you can describe as an “odd smell” is never a good thing when it’s coming from your furnace. It’s a major sign that your heater is headed southbound. If you need help pinpointing where the scent is coming from or exactly what it is, then make sure that you come to our professionals.

Your Bills Are Too High

Do you feel like your bills are just a little too high for how you’re running your heater? This isn’t something you should ignore. Many people brush this off because they feel like higher bills are to be expected during winter—this is true—but only within reason. If your bills are astronomical, then you’re going to need a little help from our professionals.

Are you still unsure if you need repair work? Maybe your problem is a little more nuanced—this isn’t a problem. We’re professionals and we can solve virtually any problem you’ve got. We want to get to the root of the issue for you.

Contact Cooling Unlimited, Inc. for all your furnace work. We’ll have your home prepared for any cold weather we face.

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Yeah, We’ve Got Your Heat Pump Repair Covered Too

March 16th, 2020

technician-with-tools-in-shirtWe know that you’re looking forward to the prospect of warm spring weather after a long winter in Boston, but before we cross the finish line, we want to make sure that you take a moment to reflect over your home heating services. Are you one of the many homeowners that are ready to apply that “out with the old, in with the new” spring sentiment to your heating system? We can be of service to you if you need to make some necessary changes.

We specialize in heat pump repair in Boston, MA. If you’ve relied on your heating system for the past few months or if you’re planning on firing up your heating pump for the spring and summer seasons, then it’s time to eliminate any problems that you might have happening with your heater.

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