Cooling Unlimited, Inc. Blog

How to Help Your Heater

December 7th, 2020

hand drawing check box on a white backgroundWe’re in the season of “helping,” right? The holidays are a little different this year and you’re probably thinking of ways to make your gift-giving a little more personal. You might lend your friends and family a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, or an open ear to listen. When we think about helping, it’s more than likely that you’re thinking about helping others—what about helping yourself?

The best way to start helping yourself is with your HVAC in Medford, MA. There are some heating tips you want to keep in mind this winter as the season marches on. We’re going to map everything out below. We know how to help you help your heater.

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Winter Plumbing Issues to Watch Out For

November 23rd, 2020

plumbing-emergency-servicesWinter is here and you need to consider your plumbing in Medford, MA. There are more ways than one for your plumbing system to go south this winter. That’s why you need to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to your plumbing work. We’re here to help you do this.

We specialize in plumbing work and we know what it’s like to live through a Medford winter—we’re a local company. Make sure that you schedule an appointment with us for the services you need. We’re going to ensure that you have a comfortable winter with the tips we’ve listed here.

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7 Furnace Problems

November 9th, 2020

It’s winter and it’s cold. Plain and simple. We know that you’re rushing to get home, turn on your heater, and get cozy here in Boston. Your heater becomes the focal point of your home during this time of year. If you’re already struggling with your home’s furnace, then it’s time for you to call us for furnace repair in Boston, MA.

We’re here to help you out. Your furnace needs to be able to heat up your home quickly and with ease. You can do so with the aid of our heating professionals. If you’re unsure if you need help with your furnace, then keep reading below to see all the signs of furnace trouble.

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It’s Time to Get Your Heater Ready

October 26th, 2020

heating-system-efficiencyThe weather is finally cooling off. We’re sure that you’re ready for fall to be in full swing. That’s why it’s time for you to come to us for your HVAC in Newton, MA. We’re here for you when you need us. Your heater needs a little preparation before the winter season rolls around. You can think of your heating maintenance work as your heater’s version of a good stretch and a pep talk before a race.

You need to right professionals to ensure that your heater is getting the right maintenance work. Just make sure that you come to us for the right heating work that you need. We’re here to help you get your heater ready before the cold weather season.

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Your Water Heater Shouldn’t Do This

October 12th, 2020

Water and air bubbles over white background with space for textYour water heater is a cornerstone of your home—have you noticed that it’s been giving you trouble lately? Your water heater is typically a steadfast piece of equipment, but sometimes, it’s going to give you problems. If you need to get in touch with a professional to talk about it, you can trust us to provide the work for you. We specialize in water heater work in Boston, MA.

There are quite a few things that your water heater should never do. If you’re being honest with yourself, you probably know when something is wrong with your water heater. Your water heater isn’t something that should be picking up new tricks with time. If you need confirmation from a professional, we’re going to be the ones to help you out. Call today.

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Got a Clogged Drain?

September 28th, 2020

Is there trouble in paradise with your home’s plumbing system? Our plumbing professionals are here to help. If you’ve noticed that your drain went from slow and sluggish to full on clogged. It’s time for you to come to our professionals. We know that clogs might seem like something that you can just brush off and handle with a store-bought chemical drain cleaner. Yes, this might be a quick fix but it’s far from a long-term solution. In fact, this might actually be something that can hurt your plumbing system in the long run.

If you have a clogged drain in Brookline, MA, we’re the ones that are going to help you handle it. Your plumbing work doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, we strive to make things as easy as possible for you. Come to us for the work that you need.

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Yes, This Is an AC Problem

September 14th, 2020

old-ac-unitWe’re past that last heatwave of the summer and the high temperatures of summer are fading into the cooler fall temperatures. We’re sure you’re glad about this because a Boston summer can really make you work up a sweat. If you’re having an air conditioning problem, this isn’t the time to brush it off until next year. Instead, we want you to address your problems head-on—we’re here to help you.

We specialize in air conditioning repair in Boston, MA. We’re going to help you out with everything you need from diagnosing the problem to finding a cost-effective solution. Make sure that you come to us to get the ball rolling. We have all the resources that you need.

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When to Upgrade Your Thermostat

August 31st, 2020

studio-shot-of-a-modern-thermostatWhen you think about your HVAC system as a whole, you think about your air conditioner, your heater, your vents, and maybe even your IAQ system… but what about your thermostat? In our opinion, the thermostat is the unsung hero of your home’s HVAC system. Yes, you can think of your thermostat as a light switch that turns your HVAC system on and off, but it’s important to remember that it’s so much more than this too.

If you’re looking for a Wi-Fi thermostat in Boston, MA, then you need to make sure that you come to our experts. If you look online, you’re going to be bombarded with options for your home. We’re the professionals that can help you sort through all this and find the perfect unit for your home. Let’s talk more about all of it below…

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What’s Up With Your Central AC?

August 17th, 2020

air-conditioning-servicesThere’s been this gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach for weeks now. You know something is going on with your air conditioner, but you just don’t want to deal with it right now. It’s been a hot summer here in Boston. Confronting your air conditioning problems head on means that you’re going to have an ample amount of down time without your air conditioning system and a hefty bill to pay too. You’re dreading it… but what if we told you it could all be different?

We want you to know that central AC repair in Boston, MA can be so easy with our team. We understand that your air conditioner is your front line of defense against the hot temperatures that summer brings. We’re always going to do our best to help you out.

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It’s Time for an IAQ Filter

August 3rd, 2020

air-conditioning-servicesIf you haven’t already considered your indoor air quality services, it’s time for you to do so now. We’d like you to ask yourself a few questions before we venture any further:

  • Are you comfortable in your home?
  • Are you paying a reasonable amount for your HVAC services?
  • Can you rely on your air conditioner?

If there any questions above that you can’t answer with a confident “yes,” then your home is missing out on something. That “something” is more than likely the right indoor air quality services. You need great indoor quality to really stay comfortable in your home. It’s going to help your bottom line too.

If you’re ready to find an air filter in Boston, MA, then we’re ready to help you.

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