Cooling Unlimited, Inc. Blog : Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category

A Sump Pump: The Plumbing Companion You Need this Spring 

Monday, April 27th, 2020

sump-pump-installationSpring time means that the cold weather is thawing out and warming up to high temperatures. It’s no secret that harsh weather is common here in Boston and when the harsh weather subsides it can lead to flooding in your basements, crawlspaces, or any other lower spaces in your home. You can avoid all of this with the right sump pump services.

If you want the right plumber in Boston, MA, make sure that you schedule an appointment with our professionals. We’re going to make sure that you have the best sump pump services available because this is typically the only system standing between you and a nasty flooding situation.

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Considering a Boiler for Your Home?

Monday, December 23rd, 2019

radiant-heating-boiler-pipingAre you unhappy with the status of your home’s heating? It’s more common than you’d think at this point in the winter season. Think about it, you’ve been running your home’s heater for a few weeks now and if your heater wasn’t in great condition before the cold weather arrived, you might notice some faults with your heating system.

If you’re ready to upgrade your heating in Boston, MA, you can come to the professionals on our team for the work you need. We know that the idea of switching over to a boiler can make you a little nervous, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Schedule an appointment with the professionals on our team to get the work that you need.

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How to Avoid a Frozen Pipe

Monday, December 9th, 2019

busted-copper-pipeIt might still be fall, but we’re full sails ahead into the winter weather here in Reading, MA. If you’ve been outside at all in the last few weeks, you know that it’s freezing cold. One thing that should be at the forefront of your mind is keeping your pipes safe. Sometimes you’re going to run into a pipe freeze—after all, we live in Massachusetts. This isn’t something you have to expect every winter though. It’s something that you can prepare for and work around.

We’ve compiled the best plumbing tips for winter weather below. If things still go awry and you need a plumber in Reading, MA, you can get in touch with the professionals on our team. Make sure that you keep your pipes safe with the help of our team.

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Call Us ASAP If You Have These Plumbing Issues

Monday, September 2nd, 2019

automatic-shut-off-valveWe’re sure that you have your fair share of plumbing equipment on hand just in case you have a small leak you need to take care of… this doesn’t make you a plumbing professional though. If you have a real plumbing issue on your hands, you’re going to need to come to a professional team for service.

Some problems are a lot more severe than others. If you think that you’re experiencing a problem leaning more on the “severe” side, it might be time for you to contact our professionals for emergency plumbing in Boston, MA. It’s not the type of problem that you can put off until later—you need to pinpoint problems and act on them fast. Make sure you choose our professional team when you want quality service that’s sure to keep you comfortable, healthy, and safe.

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Got a Toilet Leak? Here’s What to Do

Monday, August 19th, 2019

The last thing you want to happen when you flush your toilet is to discover that something is leaking. If you’ve noticed a little puddle of water accumulating around the base of your toilet, it might be time for you to contact a professional plumber. Toilet leaks are inconvenient, unhygienic, and potentially damaging. If you want a team that can fix any plumbing problem that you’re having with expertise and skill, make sure you contact our professionals today.

If you’re looking for a great plumber in Medford, MA you can rely on our team. We know our stuff and we always make sure to provide urgent repair work. We know just how frustrating a plumbing issue can be, so we work hard to accommodate homeowners in this area.

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Common Spring Plumbing Problems and What to Do About Them

Monday, April 29th, 2019

bursted-copper-pipeThere are a lot of things that you can expect to happen during spring. While you can surely expect “April showers to bring May flowers,” you don’t need to expect spring to bring along issues with your plumbing. You should always prepare your home with the right maintenance services to ensure that you get the most from your plumbing system.

One simple maintenance appointment with our team can be the difference between you experiencing smooth sailing this spring and upcoming summer or you experience a multitude of costly plumbing issues. Water damage is a real threat to your home. If you’re looking for great plumbing services in Boston, MA then make sure you contact our team.

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How You Can Benefit from a Sump Pump

Monday, December 24th, 2018

Water and air bubbles over white background with space for textDo you know how important a sump pump is for your home? A sump pump keeps you prepared for any disaster. Here in Boston, we deal with heavy winter storms, and a byproduct of that is the risk of flooding. Dealing with water damage in your home is a huge waste of money and a major inconvenience. You need a sump pump. We understand that a lot of homeowners don’t really understand why they need a sump pump or what it does, so we’ve compiled some expert information below to help. If you need plumbing in Medford, MA then contact our team today to schedule an appointment.

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How to Avoid Emergency Plumbing Issues

Monday, December 10th, 2018

Service technician with a customer. Plumbers, electricians, cable repair, etc.A plumbing emergency can be a disaster. It can cause a significant amount of damage to your home and property and end up costing you a lot of money. Of course, we want to avoid plumbing emergencies altogether, so what steps can be taken? Fortunately for you, there are some things that you can do to avoid making an emergency phone call.

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6 Common Household Items That Clog Drains

Monday, November 12th, 2018

tankless-water-heaterIf you’re a homeowner, you probably have a good idea of what should and shouldn’t go down your drain but there are always mishaps. If you’re experiencing all the telltale signs of a clog one of the things listed below might be the culprit. If you leave a drain clog unattended then it can wreak havoc on your home’s plumbing system, so you should always contact a plumber at the first sign of trouble.

If you do have a plumbing problem and need service for your system, we have the best team of professional plumbers in Newton. If you’d like to know what items clog your drain, then keep reading below.

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How to Keep Your Plumbing System Healthy

Monday, October 15th, 2018

Plumber-holding-pipeYour plumbing system probably isn’t an aspect of your home that you think about on a daily basis, but it greatly impacts the daily function of your home. It’s important to fully understand your plumbing system so that you know how to treat it. Knowledge in this arena will help you maintain a healthy plumbing system for years to come and avoid costly plumbing issues. If you need reliable plumbing in Boston, MA, you can count on our amazing staff here at Cooling Unlimited, Inc.

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