As we near the end of winter here in Boston, MA, fixing your furnace problems may not be on the top of your mind. As long as it’s running, why not just put it off until next year, when you need your heater again? Unfortunately, this may prove detrimental. Ignoring small problems usually results in bigger problems, which you won’t want to face when you turn on your furnace for the first time next winter. Tackling these problems now could end up saving you a lot of money in unnecessary emergency repairs down the road. We’ve listed 3 main furnace problems you should watch out for now.
Cooling Unlimited, Inc. Blog : Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category
3 Furnace Problems to Watch for Late in the Winter
Monday, February 22nd, 2016What Causes That Burning Smell in My Furnace?
Monday, February 15th, 2016If you detect the smell of burning in your furnace, you need to shut it off and call in a repair service right away. That’s common sense and we suspect that everyone reading this blog is smart enough to do it. The good news is that there are services in the Boston, MA area that you can count on to get to the bottom of that burning smell. The better news is that a burning smell is hard to ignore when it wafts through your ducts, so you can probably get a pretty good idea that something is wrong and call in support. But what causes that burning smell in the first place? The answer to that can tell you a great deal about the source of the problem.
Beware of a Cracked Heat Exchanger This Winter
Monday, February 1st, 2016Mention a cracked heat exchanger to any repair technician, and they’re going to tell you the same thing: it’s a serious problem and you should never run any furnace afflicted with it under any circumstances. We’re in the throes of heating season here in Boston, MA and any problems with your heater should be considered a top priority. Understanding how the heat exchanger works in your system can help explain why they crack with age and pressure, and why that’s such a cause for concern.
Tips to Keep Your Generator Running
Monday, January 25th, 2016As we’ve seen this past week, winter storms are nothing to take lightly. Here in Boston, MA, the purchase of a whole-house generator can be a lifesaver during a crisis, especially when it is placed and installed by trained professionals. But a generator won’t do any good if it fails you in a crisis, or if it lacks the things it needs to run when you need it to. If you have a generator in your house, here’s a few tips to help keep it running when the worst hits your home.
Should I Install a Zone Control System?
Tuesday, January 19th, 2016Many households here in Boston, MA rely on centralized heating and air conditioning systems to maintain comfortable temperatures in their homes. A centralized unit creates warm or cool air as necessary, then a fan blows the conditioned air through a series of ducts hidden in the walls and attic of your home. The system works quite well, but it usually heats the entire home evenly, which means you can’t vary the temperature from room to room. A zone control system provides an answer to the drawback, and in the process, gives you a way to save big money on heating and cooling costs. Here’s how.
A Guide to Purchasing a New Generator
Monday, January 18th, 2016Mother Nature strikes without warning, and while Boston, MA knows how to counter a blizzard or similar storm, you never know when you might lose power in your home. It can be doubly concerning because you don’t have many options if the snows are falling besides sitting tight and hoping your home remains habitable. A generator makes an ideal form of insurance against that possibility: providing power, heat and peace of mind when things are at their worst. Buying a generator involves a number of steps, which a trained professional can help you with before performing the installation itself. Here’s a quick guide to purchasing a new generator.
Upgrade Your Heating System this Winter
Monday, January 4th, 2016Winters in Boston, MA are as cold as they come, and while we were given a respite over the holidays, that freezing weather is ready to make our lives miserable again. While your heating system may be doing an admirable job, there’s always ways you can improve it. Upgrades to your system are comparatively easy for a professional to install and won’t cost nearly as much as replacing your system entirely. But the difference it can make will leave your system feeling like new, and possibly lower the costs of keeping your home warm this winter to boot. Here’s a quick list of some upgrades you may want to consider for your heater this winter.
Simple Steps to Take Before Calling Heating Repair
Monday, December 28th, 2015A malfunctioning heater is a serious problem in a town as cold as Boston, MA. Freezing temperatures can be dangerous in the right circumstances, and even if they aren’t, it can be pretty miserable trying to stay warm in a house without genuine heat. When your heating system cuts off, calling in a repair service is a good instinct, and you should never attempt to repair a faulty heater yourself. But sometimes, the issue is far simpler to solve than a repair call justifies. That’s why you should take some simple steps before calling heating repair, just to ensure the issue isn’t something you can fix with the simple flick of a switch.
Check Your Heater for Signs of Trouble
Sunday, December 13th, 2015Sooner or later, every heater runs into problems. That’s the bad news. The good news is that you can usually spot signs of an issue before a full-bore breakdown occurs. Ideally, you’ll schedule a regular maintenance session with a trained professional, which can help you out on that front. But either way, the sooner you can act, the less of a chance your heater’s problem will leave you stuck without warmth in the middle of our freezing Boston, MA winters. If you can check your heater for signs of trouble, it gives you a big leg up on the issue. Here’s a few quick indicators for you to watch out for.