Cooling Unlimited, Inc. Blog : Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Is Radiant Heating Right for You?

Sunday, November 13th, 2016

Winter in Boston, MA is cold in the extreme, and the right heating system can do wonders for you. If you’re looking to replace your heating system this fall, you might want to consider an alternative model to the traditional boilers or forced-air furnaces that most of us have used in the past. Radiant heating costs more to install in your home, but you can reap significant benefits from its inclusion in your life. Here’s a breakdown of how it all works.

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Keep Your Vents Clear of Snow This Winter

Monday, November 7th, 2016

Heaters and dryers use vents to clear exhaust and high temperatures from the system. That makes vents a vital part of your home, which makes it doubly important that you keep them clear during the winter.

As the snow falls here in Andover, MA, it could conspire to clog the vents, as can animal nests and other bits of detritus. Damage to the vents could create a backflow too, all of which is bad news for your homes. Here’s how to deal with this possibility the right way.

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Early Signs of Problems with Your Heater

Monday, October 31st, 2016

Winter is on its way here in Winchester, MA, and now is the time to make sure your heating system is running as it should. Fall weather is cool, but not as cold as it will be in a few short weeks, which means you still have time to make any necessary corrections or repairs before the temperature drops too low.

Ideally, you should schedule a maintenance session from a trained technician to spot any problems — and if you haven’t done that in 2016 yet, now would be the perfect time — but you can help your own cause by looking for certain specific signs of trouble. They can include, but are not limited to, the following:

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3 Reasons to Go With a Professional HVAC Service

Monday, October 24th, 2016

Boston, MA is as cold a city as they come in the winter, and breakdowns in your heating system need to be addressed quickly. The advent of YouTube has allowed for the spread of do-it-yourself videos, which may convince enterprising handymen to attempt repairs on their heating or air conditioning systems themselves. In almost every case, this is a terrible mistake. Your HVAC system is a complicated piece of equipment requiring a trained and licensed professional to properly address. Here are 3 specific reasons to always trust a professional.

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Do You Need a New Heater?

Monday, September 19th, 2016

Whether you use a boiler, a furnace, or an alternative form of heating in your Andover, MA home, the arrival of fall means that you should carefully consider whether your system can handle another brutal New England winter, or whether you need to invest in a new system. Now is the time to make such an assessment, since we still have a few weeks before the cool weather sets in in earnest. Only you can decide if you need to pull the trigger on a new heater, but there are a couple of key factors that you should consider while doing so. Keep them in mind when you make your deliberations.

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Time to Get Your Heating System Serviced

Monday, September 12th, 2016

Whether you warm your Boston, MA home with a furnace, a boiler or an alternative system such as radiant heating beneath your floor, now is the time to give it a close look. Temperatures are beginning to drop here in New England, and before long you’ll need your heating system to perform every day. Now is the ideal time to get your heating system serviced, and indeed we recommend doing so if you haven’t had your system looked at yet this year.

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Look into Duct Insulation Today!

Monday, September 5th, 2016

We’re on the tail end of summer here in Andover, MA and with Labor Day upon us, it’s time to look towards the coming winter and ways to maximize your home’s energy efficiency. If you have a centralized HVAC systems that uses a series of ducts, we have a suggestion that could make a big difference on that front: duct insulation. How does it work and what’s it all about? We’ve provided a quick primer below.

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Now is the Time to Replace a Faulty Heater

Tuesday, April 19th, 2016

Here in Brookline, MA, we’re finally coming out from under another New England winter and looking ahead to a hot summer. This is normally a time to focus on your air conditioner, not your heater, but if your heating system has been giving you trouble, this is the ideal time to consider a replacement. The question of whether to replace an older heater is a tricky one, and in the end only you can make the call on that front. Once you decide to do so, however, a trained service company can easily help you out. Here’s a few key piece of information to remember as you make your deliberations.

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How to Get Your Heater Ready for the Off-Season

Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

As spring approaches and warmer temperatures head our way, we’ll need our heaters less and less. Naturally, you may be thinking a lot more about preparing your air conditioner for summer than you are thinking about your heater. However, the end of winter is actually a perfect time to schedule a heater maintenance appointment and have your system checked for any potential problems that could be detrimental next year. This time of year, HVAC technicians will be less busy, making it easier for you to schedule their visit to your home.

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How Does Radiant Heating Work?

Monday, February 29th, 2016

Considering how bitterly cold winters get around here, quality heating service is essential. With temperature lows still 30 degrees and below, you may be wondering if there is a better heating option for your home. A radiant system is an excellent heating choice for residents of Boston, MA. This is especially true if you are getting ready to construct a new home.

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