Cooling Unlimited, Inc. Blog : Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

3 Signs You Need Heating Repair

Monday, November 25th, 2019

heater-furnace-burnerIt’s starting to get really cold in Boston—is your heater up to the test? Unfortunately, you’re not going to be able to make it through every single winter without a little heating work. You shouldn’t shy away from the problems you’re facing in your home. If you need heating repair in Boston, MA, you can schedule an appointment with the professionals on our team.

You can trust our team because we’ve worked in the area since 1986. We’ve been able to grow steadily throughout our decades in business because of our dedication to the comfort of our customers. We’re a family-run and locally-owned business. You’ll know that you’re getting the best work possible when you come to the members of our team.

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How to Save Money on Your Heating Bill this Winter

Monday, November 11th, 2019

money-saving-green-eco-friendly-iconWinter is right around the corner now! Halloween is behind us and we’re officially full sails ahead into the holiday season.

If you’re thinking about the quality of your heater already, you’re on the right track. It’s important to start preparing your home now, rather than waiting for the weather the really start to cool off and then attempting to scramble to get your home comfortable when you need it.

If you’re looking for a great team to get your heating in Boston, MA, in shape, you can schedule an appointment with our team. Not only can we help you get the home comfort that you deserve, we can also help you get it for the right price. Call on us when you want quality service that really counts.

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Simple Tips to Help Your Home’s HVAC System

Monday, October 28th, 2019

commercial-hvac-servicesWinter in Boston is something that you have to be prepared for. We know that you’re probably in the middle of a pumpkin spice dream because it’s fall, but we want to encourage you to take some time to prepare yourself for our cold winter temperatures. We’re not talking about pulling out your winter coat and stocking up on hand warmers—we’re talking about preparing your home.

We know that preparing your home for winter can be a little daunting. You might not even know where to start. We can help you get the service you need because were the professionals. We specialize in HVAC service in Boston, MA. Come to us when you want work that’s going to keep you warm throughout the next few months.

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How to Tell When It’s Time for a New Heater

Monday, March 4th, 2019

heating-system-efficiencySometimes it’s hard to tell when you need a new heater and we understand why. This isn’t a small commitment. There’s a lot of time, money, and effort that goes into upgrading a heating system, so you don’t want to make the decision hastily. If you’re thinking about getting a new heater for your home, make sure that you’ve covered all your bases and understand all your options. If you’re ready to upgrade to a new and efficient whole-home heating system in Boston, MA then make sure that you contact our team. All our technicians are smart, conscientious, and ready for the job.

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How to Save Money on Your Heating Bill this Winter

Monday, February 4th, 2019

money-saving-green-eco-friendly-iconYou’re relying on your heater more than ever now that we’re in the middle of a cold Boston winter. While your heating bill will be a little bit higher during this time of year just because you’re running the system so often, it should never skyrocket to unreasonable levels. If your heating bill is draining your wallet this winter then make sure to contact our team. We can help you find weak points in your home’s efficiency levels and lower your heating bill.

One of the best ways to lower your heating bill during our chilly winter season is by installing a humidifier. Don’t think of humidity as a bad thing just because of our balmy Boston summers, try a humidifier in Boston, MA today.

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Is Radiant Heating Right for You?

Monday, January 21st, 2019

Winter is the season where many homeowners decide that their heating system just isn’t right for them. After all, you’ve gotten well acquainted with your heater these past few months. Any problems with your heater that were pushed into the recesses of your mind by the blaze of summer are back at the forefront now. If your heater just isn’t cutting it, don’t be afraid to upgrade.

When it’s time for an upgrade it’s best to consider all your options. This process can be a bit overwhelming because now more than ever there are so many great ways to heat your home. While the vast majority of people across the nation choose to heat their homes with forced air furnace systems, a tried and true classic is radiant heating. Radiant heating is still a great option for our bitterly cold Boston temperatures. If you’re interested in putting a boiler in your home this winter then ask our educated technicians about installing a boiler in Boston, MA. We have all the information you need alongside the best models of boilers from the best brands.

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Factors That Affect Your IAQ And What to Do About Them

Monday, January 7th, 2019

Sick woman blowing her noseIt’s easy to be concerned with the quality of the air quality in your city, especially here in Boston, but your indoor air quality should be an area of concern too. If you’re worried about your indoor air quality you’re already a step ahead. Your indoor air quality directly impacts your home comfort, the quality of your health, and the efficiency of your HVAC system. If you’d like to improve your indoor air quality in Boston, MA then contact our team. We have the best technicians available in the area and we’re committed to providing you with the best service available.

If you’d like to know what common household factors in your home, keep reading below.

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The Benefits of Forced-Air Heating

Monday, November 26th, 2018

It’s cold here during our Boston winters, so many people opt for boilers to heat their home; however, forced-air heating systems are an amazing way to heat your home. Furnaces are one of the most common heating systems across the United States for a reason—they’re energy-efficient, dependable units that you can count on when it gets cold. If you’re moving into a new home and installing a heating system, or upgrading your current heating system, consider a forced air heating system. If you need great HVAC services in Boston, MA then contact our team.

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Make Sure You Keep Your Furnace in Top Shape This Fall

Monday, October 29th, 2018

Relaxing on cold winter's nightNow that it’s Fall here in Boston, it’s time to start preparing your furnace for winter. You’ve probably already turned on your furnace this fall. Have you noticed any heating inconsistencies? Inconveniencing problems? An inability to achieve or maintain your desired temperature in your home? You should schedule your repairs now before temperatures drop down to freezing levels. Scheduling repairs sooner than later to ensure that your heating system remains efficient. If you need furnace repair in Boston, MA, contact our team today to schedule an appointment.

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Does Your Heater Show Signs of Needing Repairs?

Monday, March 19th, 2018

heating-repair-issuesWith the coming of spring, our heating systems are going to see less and less use as the temperatures start to warm. And yet ironically, this is the time of the year when we tend to see more heating repair calls than any other. Furnaces and other heating systems have been running for months nonstop, which is why they tend to experience sudden breakdowns and other problems just as they reach the end of winter.

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