Cooling Unlimited, Inc. Blog : Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

What A Cracked Heat Exchanger Means for Your Furnace

Monday, January 4th, 2021

A cracked heat exchanger is one of the worst things that can happen to your home’s furnace. If this issue occurs in your home, then you’re going to need to contact a heating professional as soon as possible. Gas furnaces are from inherently dangerous systems, but they can be if you’re not properly taken care of.

We’re going to get into what a cracked heat exchanger is and the potential hazard it can be in your home if it cracks. We want your gas-powered appliances to work well this season. We specialize in heating in Boston, MA so you can turn to us when something goes wrong with your heating system. 

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How to Help Your Heater

Monday, December 7th, 2020

hand drawing check box on a white backgroundWe’re in the season of “helping,” right? The holidays are a little different this year and you’re probably thinking of ways to make your gift-giving a little more personal. You might lend your friends and family a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, or an open ear to listen. When we think about helping, it’s more than likely that you’re thinking about helping others—what about helping yourself?

The best way to start helping yourself is with your HVAC in Medford, MA. There are some heating tips you want to keep in mind this winter as the season marches on. We’re going to map everything out below. We know how to help you help your heater.

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7 Furnace Problems

Monday, November 9th, 2020

It’s winter and it’s cold. Plain and simple. We know that you’re rushing to get home, turn on your heater, and get cozy here in Boston. Your heater becomes the focal point of your home during this time of year. If you’re already struggling with your home’s furnace, then it’s time for you to call us for furnace repair in Boston, MA.

We’re here to help you out. Your furnace needs to be able to heat up your home quickly and with ease. You can do so with the aid of our heating professionals. If you’re unsure if you need help with your furnace, then keep reading below to see all the signs of furnace trouble.

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It’s Time to Get Your Heater Ready

Monday, October 26th, 2020

heating-system-efficiencyThe weather is finally cooling off. We’re sure that you’re ready for fall to be in full swing. That’s why it’s time for you to come to us for your HVAC in Newton, MA. We’re here for you when you need us. Your heater needs a little preparation before the winter season rolls around. You can think of your heating maintenance work as your heater’s version of a good stretch and a pep talk before a race.

You need to right professionals to ensure that your heater is getting the right maintenance work. Just make sure that you come to us for the right heating work that you need. We’re here to help you get your heater ready before the cold weather season.

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Get Your Furnace Repairs Handled Ahead of Spring

Monday, March 30th, 2020

furnace-burnersNow that spring is here, we know that you’re looking forward to warmer weather and light lasting into the late hours of the evening—we’re looking forward to it too! A Boston winter can really wear down your furnace. If you’ve noticed that this winter had taken a toll on your heater, then it might be time for you to call our professionals for your furnace repair services.

If you’re wondering why you should handle your furnace repairs right before we’re transitioning into warmer weather, you’re not alone. The answer is simply because procrastination is a terrible force when it comes to your HVAC system. You want to make sure that you’re handling your problems sooner than later.

When to Call for Furnace Work

We know it’s not always so cut and dry when it comes to your furnace. You might not even know all the signs that point to a need for furnace repair. Here are a few pressing issues you should watch out for.

You’re Never Warm Enough

Do you have trouble getting your home to your desired temperature? Maybe you feel like it takes far too long for your home to heat up. Or you experience the opposite problem—you can get your home to your desired temperature, but you can’t get it to stay there for long. Don’t chalk this up to the cold temperatures of winter—this is a legitimate problem that needs professional service.

There’s Odd Cycling Going On

You know your heater’s routine cycle. If you’ve noticed that it’s stretched on a little further than usual these days or if it’s cycling in short, choppy cycles, then it’s time to contact one of our members. We’re going to make sure that we tackle any problem that’s happening as fast as possible so you can push your heater to the back of your mind this spring and summer.

There are Some Odd Scents

Honestly speaking, any type of scent that you can describe as an “odd smell” is never a good thing when it’s coming from your furnace. It’s a major sign that your heater is headed southbound. If you need help pinpointing where the scent is coming from or exactly what it is, then make sure that you come to our professionals.

Your Bills Are Too High

Do you feel like your bills are just a little too high for how you’re running your heater? This isn’t something you should ignore. Many people brush this off because they feel like higher bills are to be expected during winter—this is true—but only within reason. If your bills are astronomical, then you’re going to need a little help from our professionals.

Are you still unsure if you need repair work? Maybe your problem is a little more nuanced—this isn’t a problem. We’re professionals and we can solve virtually any problem you’ve got. We want to get to the root of the issue for you.

Contact Cooling Unlimited, Inc. for all your furnace work. We’ll have your home prepared for any cold weather we face.

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Yeah, We’ve Got Your Heat Pump Repair Covered Too

Monday, March 16th, 2020

technician-with-tools-in-shirtWe know that you’re looking forward to the prospect of warm spring weather after a long winter in Boston, but before we cross the finish line, we want to make sure that you take a moment to reflect over your home heating services. Are you one of the many homeowners that are ready to apply that “out with the old, in with the new” spring sentiment to your heating system? We can be of service to you if you need to make some necessary changes.

We specialize in heat pump repair in Boston, MA. If you’ve relied on your heating system for the past few months or if you’re planning on firing up your heating pump for the spring and summer seasons, then it’s time to eliminate any problems that you might have happening with your heater.

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Your Furnace Deserves Maintenance

Monday, March 2nd, 2020

heating-system-efficiencyWhat’s that one thing that seems to fall off the face of your to-do list every single season? If we had to take a wild guess, we’d probably presume that it’s furnace maintenance.

Let’s take our minds back to fall. You’re getting back into the hustle and bustle of the school year with the kids, prepping your home for the cold weather, and getting yourself ready for the holidays ahead… it’s so easy for your furnace maintenance to fall to the wayside in this context. If you need furnace maintenance in Boston, MA, you can count on our professionals. We make the process as easy as possible because we want you to have the best heating service possible.

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What’s the Deal with Your Heater?

Monday, February 17th, 2020

heating-system-efficiencyLet’s take a moment and just be 100% honest here… your heater isn’t everything that it used to be. Things have been a little different lately and you can’t really place the start of the decline. All you know is that things aren’t right, and you want better heating service. Does this sound familiar? You should schedule an appointment for heater repair in Boston, MA.

Living in Boston means that you need a great heater. You’re going to regret not investing into your system if you try to cut corners by side stepping repair work. Trust us when we say that you can get the best work for the lowest price possible from our team. We’ve always got your back!

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A Few Common Mid-Winter Furnace Problems

Monday, February 3rd, 2020


We’re chugging away through winter in Boston so it’s time to take a moment, reflect, and ask yourself—are you happy with your home’s furnace?

The answer to this should be an assured yes. Anything less than this means that you probably have a budding furnace problem on your hands that needs professional care. You don’t have to fret when this happens though. Instead, you can always rely on our professionals for furnace repair in Boston, MA. We’re a team of professionals that always understand how to give you the care that you need. In fact, we pride ourselves on it. You can come to us when you need great furnace work.

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Don’t Ignore These 3 Signs of Heating Trouble

Monday, January 6th, 2020

gas-furnace-burnersWe’re in the middle of a pretty cold winter here in Boston so it’s time to ask yourself how your heater is treating you. We really want you to stay warm here in our neck of the woods and stay warm with ease. Getting great heating is about a lot more than just making sure your heater turns on and runs when you need it to—it’s also about making sure that this system runs efficiently and for the right price.

If you need heating repair in Boston, MA, make sure that you contact the professionals here at Cooling Unlimited, Inc. We’re a team of experienced heating technicians that can make sure you get the work you need to keep you warm when it counts. Call us at the first sign of trouble.

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