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Don’t Postpone Late-Season AC Repairs


The kids are getting back to school. The days aren’t quite as hot. The air has that amazing crisp quality in the morning that you only get in autumn in New England. Does that mean that you can stop worrying about your air conditioner? Well, maybe, but maybe not. If your AC system needs repairs, you shouldn’t postpone them until spring. Even though the end of AC season is approaching, if you’ve got a concern about your system, get air conditioning repair in Boston, MA done ASAP.

The Heat’s Not Done Yet

You don’t want to delay repairs and end up with a breakdown in the next month or so. We could still have a heat wave at this time of year! And an air conditioner that’s already struggling is likely to struggle even more, or fail completely, just when it’s needed the most. Having to run more of the time during a hot stretch puts a lot of pressure on an unhappy AC.

AC Problems Start Small

You might think that your AC concern is very minor. And perhaps it is. But a minor concern is how a big problem gets started. So what’s going on with your air conditioner? Chances are, you’ve noticed an odd noise. Let’s say it’s a rattle—maybe a fan blade is wobbling. But failing to repair it could mean the blade breaks off and hits other components, leading to total breakdown and costly repairs.

What if the noise is a hiss or a bubble? These sounds can be made when you’ve got refrigerant leaking out of your coils. That means the AC will absorb less and less heat. The coils will be too cold but your home will be too hot. Ice can even form, further preventing heat absorption and worsening the problem. And all the while, more refrigerant drips away. Don’t let that happen! Get repairs when you need them!

AC Problems Cause Inefficiency

As your air conditioner tries to cope with whatever’s wrong and respond every time the thermostat calls for more cooling, it will have to work more and more of the time. Sometimes, it will rarely get a chance to shut off at all. Or it might run in very short start-and-stop cycles. Either way, it’s using much more electricity than it should, so you’re paying extra to get less cooling accomplished.

AC Problems Shorten System Lifespan

All that extra running or starting and stopping is rough on the whole system, creating unnecessary wear and tear. But it’s hardest on the compressor, which is really bad news. When that component goes, it’s like a car’s transmission: sure, you might be able to replace it. But then you’d have one hugely expensive, brand-new part in a system that just won’t last long enough to justify that cost.

That means that failing to get repairs when they’re needed will hasten the end of your air conditioner’s life. Replacing an air conditioner is time-consuming and costly. You don’t want to have to do it early.

Reach out to Cooling Unlimited, Inc. to speak with qualified air conditioning experts.

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