Cooling Unlimited, Inc. Blog : Archive for October, 2022

Don’t Put That In Your Garbage Disposal!

Monday, October 24th, 2022

kitchen-sink-garbage-disposalGarbage disposals are a convenient way to simplify kitchen clean-up. But unfortunately, the fact that they are commonly called garbage disposals is a bit misleading. There are a lot of things that should actually go straight to the trash can, and actual garbage—plastic wrappers, foil, lids, etc.—is top of that list.


How can you be sure which items are disposal-safe and which will cause a kitchen catastrophe? We can help you sort that out.

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How Your Heater Tells You It Needs Repairs

Monday, October 10th, 2022

technician-repairing-boilerMost people don’t think a whole lot about their heater, as long as it’s working. But of course, when a problem develops in any system, it’s better to catch it sooner, before the problem gets any bigger.

How can you tell when something is starting to go wrong with your heater, so you can have it repaired as promptly as possible? Your heater may signal a problem in a variety of ways. If you watch for these clues, you’ll be able to schedule an appointment for a professional to give it the care it needs.

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